Apr 12, 2018 - It mostly refers to the Docker container, which I don't like using, you. '/dbPath:/s+/var/lib+/data+' /etc/mongod.conf service mongod start. Now is the time to fix this, from the mongo shell (type: mongo). I leave it as an exercise to the reader to install some sort of startup script. Forever or pm2 might be useful. It is a docker machine (docker engine, that could run on different back ends) with bundled VirtualBox back end running minimalist Linux distribution, a set of additional tools.
Evening all, Got a Samsung NP-R519 laptop here, when running Windows 7 setup it hangs at the 'Setup is starting' screen with the Windows 7 home edition background (right after simply selecting the language). I have tried this from both USB and CD, and after an hour or so setup is still in this state in both cases. Found this thread: where various people suggest disabling various things in the BIOS. I've tried this and none of it seems to work. Laptop doesn't have a FDD and there seems to be no option for one in the BIOS anywhere - this seems to be a common solution to this problem that I have found after searching.
BIOS version is 08CI and there is a later version available on the Samsung website: I'm pretty stumped to be honest. I have also tried starting setup in safe mode, as this is another suggestion people had, but unfortunately after loading all of the.sys files setup proceeds as normal and I don't get to see anything extra apart from the standard 'setup is starting' message so this isn't very helpful. Thanks in advance, Kev. That sounds interesting - may come in handy in future.
Luckily this reinstalled eventually. I had to wait an age on the 'Where to install Windows dialogue', but could eventually delete all partitions and then install on the unallocated drive space. Everything seemed to be going swimmingly just now, until the very reason we reinstalled just reared its ugly head again. W7 just hanging for seemingly no reason when trying to open anything related to windows explorer. I haven't even installed any extra applications, just drivers from the Samsung website so beginning to think there is a problem with them. When this is happening, there is no CPU usage (0%/1%) and explorers memory usage is only about 15K! Forgot to say - before this reinstalled OK, I forced enabling AHCI for SATA drivers in the BIOS (it was set to Auto), and started W7 setup in safe mode.
No idea if either of these things made any difference, I was just trying different things, or whether it was just patience (I left setup seemingly doing nothing for about 45mins before it finally worked) that won through! It may have been this AHCI setting causing the slowdown, I have just set it back to auto and now access to the disk seems OK from within Windows. Very frustrating! I think you are spot on with this, I think there are bad sectors. DBAN suggested as much when it couldn't run a 'nuke' on the disk, but then I found out DBAN isn't written for SATA drives anyway so not sure if this is accurate!
The same behaviour has come back again anyway - at first when booting Windows, it's OK, but progressively gets worse every time, and any time it is writing/reading the hard disk now it just stops completely - the LED goes out even though it's clear Windows wants to read/write data. I think this may have been caused by the first issue I was asked to fix with this machine. Office 2010 was causing W7 to bluescreen when opening any of the applications. I fixed this issue quickly just by doing a repair on the Office installation, but I think the damage to the disk had already been done. Unfortunately don't have another disk to try, but advised the user the best course of action would be to replace the disk. Got to be cheaper than a new machine! Thanks for help guys.
. The exercise will walk through creating and running Windows containers on Windows 10. In this quick start you will accomplish:. Installing Docker for Windows.
Running a simple Windows container This quick start is specific to Windows 10. Additional quick start documentation can be found in the table of contents on the left-hand side of this page. Prerequisites Please make sure you meet the following requirements:. One physical computer system running Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise with Anniversary Update (version 1607) or later. Make sure is enabled. Hyper-V isolation: Windows Server Containers require Hyper-V isolation on Windows 10 in order to provide developers with the same kernel version and configuration that will be used in production, more about Hyper-V isolation can be found on the page.
Note In the release of Windows October Update 2018, we no longer disallow users from running a Windows container in process-isolation mode on Windows 10 Enterprise or Professional for dev/test purposes. See the to learn more. Install Docker for Windows Download and run the installer (You will be required to login.
Create an account if you don't have one already). Are available in the Docker documentation. Switch to Windows containers After installation Docker for Windows defaults to running Linux containers. Switch to Windows containers using either the Docker tray-menu or by running the following command in a PowerShell prompt: & $Env:ProgramFiles Docker Docker DockerCli.exe -SwitchDaemon. Install Base Container Images Windows containers are built from base images.
The following command will pull the Nano Server base image. Docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:1809 Once the image is pulled, running docker images will return a list of installed images, in this case the Nano Server image. Docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE microsoft/nanoserver latest 105d76d0f40e 4 days ago 652 MB. Important Please read the Windows Containers OS Image. Run Your First Windows Container For this simple example, a ‘Hello World’ container image will be created and deployed. For the best experience run these commands in an elevated Windows CMD shell or PowerShell.
Windows PowerShell ISE does not work for interactive sessions with containers. Even though the container is running, it will appear to hang. First, start a container with an interactive session from the nanoserver image. Once the container has started, you will be presented with a command shell from within the container.
Docker run -it mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:1809 cmd.exe Inside the container we will create a simple ‘Hello World’ text file. Echo 'Hello World!' Hello.txt When completed, exit the container. Exit You will now create a new container image from the modified container. To see a list of containers run the following and take note of the container id. Docker ps -a Run the following command to create the new ‘HelloWorld’ image. Replace with the id of your container.
Docker commit helloworld When completed, you now have a custom image that contains the hello world script. This can be seen with the following command. Docker images Finally, to run the container, use the docker run command. Docker run -rm helloworld cmd.exe /s /c type Hello.txt The outcome of the docker run command is that a Hyper-V container was created from the 'HelloWorld' image, an instance of cmd was started in the container and executed a reading of our file (output echoed to the shell), and then the container stopped and removed.